C4 Umberto Pelizzari Long Fins Freediving Spearfishing - Aurea (gold) & Sideral (Silver)

C4 Umberto Pelizzari Long Fins Freediving Spearfishing - Aurea (gold) & Sideral (Silver)

C4 Umberto Pelizzari Long Fins

Umberto Pelizzari. This mythical name and not much more would be enough to describe these fins. Tens of thousands of hours spent training, an impressive series of World Records in Constant Weight make Umberto an absolute reference when it comes to knowledge and experience in the use of freediving equipment.

The new UP fins featuring technopolymer blades and 250 foot pockets are the result of the close collaboration between Umberto and C4.

The Technopolymer Blade Fin has been created by using the most recent plastic molding technologies. Performance, which has always been a real obsession for Umberto, is at the basis of this project.

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